New surveys suggest to humanity that the technological tools wich we use to make our lifes easier are destroying every instant in our leisure for example , We prefer to sufferfing the web or playing games ( video ,board games or sports ) instead of , do others things that are really important for each one of Human Beings such as : spending time with their family or friends, attending cultural events, reading good and interestings books ... these things in this moment have been forgetting . Technology takes every instant in our existance , We are working longer hours , taking fewer and shorter in our vacations or with our families ... Today is indispensable that We use cellphones , PDAs ,Laptops all time , because these materials things are part of our lifes . We don't have privace or leisure time already , Technology have taken all our time .
Since the Industrial Revolution , Human Beings have assumed that new laborsaving , science , technological tools will be free them from the burdens of the workplace and give them more time and opportunities to grow intellectually and creatively and socially in their lifes , exploring the arts , keeping up with current events ,spending more time with friends and family ... But ,this is only a magic thought ,because the Human Being don't know the true essence of Technology ...
In the old days Human Beings shared more time with their family and friends .They left their offices when finished the time that they must to be here , then they returned to their houses and were with families ... Now Human Being return to house but , all time is in internet and watch TV and playing video games , listen to music and use cellphones ... They forgot to spend time with their families , They don´t share their feelings or thoughts ,They don't enjoy magic moments wich live in the depth of their souls ...
Human Being forgets that the most fundamental that Technology is the essence of own existance ... Technology is important in the world , but this isn't indispensable to live . We would must to learn to use it due to, Tecnhology can destroies us when We don't understand its true essence ...
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In 1969 borned the net with the Defense Department initiative in USA this, is an idea to development a Computer's Experimental Net which ,would be create to researchs , this was constitute by only four computers ,these were created with the only porpuse to show the importance of its construction ... importance of its presence to humanity .
Internet is a middle of comunication orientate in information's transport in a virtual world , this is constitute by a lot of public and private organizations localize in different parts aroud the world .
Throught of Internet you can ...
- Send and receive information .
- Establish conversations with one or many people in the same time .
- Found information of everything that you want .
- Explorer this world and its mystery .
- Share thoughts and feelings and knowledges .
- Create documents by middle of researchs .
Is fundamental understand that Internet is a excellent tool ,but Human Being in some times forgets that with this He could destroies his own existance ...
Internet is a tool which allow us to trascend our magic world and invite us to explorer each space ... by middle of Internet you can discover this marvelous Universe and its depth...
Different ways of comunication and information are relate with this word such its interpretation as the process to do it , This is fundamental to Human Being's participation in all contexts of their lifes ... This process has an accelerated impulse due to , the Technology's presence and minimum complexity use it ...
Informatica term refer basically to generate and store and reproduce and process of an automatic way the information , this is development by middle of datas .A data is an event without context for example : 12 degrees , 14 years old , Mary Luz , ... each one of these indicate an event as Environment's temperature in a precise instant , age´s average in a classroom , person's name ...
In Informatica´s World is so important the technology presence already, this is the spirit of each process . Technology is present in different ways of comunication , Informatica help us to create the conceptualization of documents , share feelings and thoughts ... Technology and Informatica have been essential to personal and social and intellectual Human Beings formation due to this proporcionate a full World´s vision.
Technology is present in the Human Being's existance ... by middle of its presence day by day this can explorer the mysterious and interesting Technology's world .
Discover its spirit is Human Being´s mission !¡
Human Being forgets that environment has been destroyed by Technology's presence... Day by day a lot of living beings disappear due to pollution . Is fundamental to understand that the life is a magic presence wich invite us to trascend the beautiful existance's spirit ,.Human Being must to respect the life of each being ... animals and plants ... They are essential in this beautiful world ... they are the magic essence of this world .
Could you image this world whithout plants and animals ?¿
... This would be so terrible ... If Human Being discovered that true spirit in this amazing world are the living beings , this wouldn't destroy its magic world ... This would think in take care its beautiful presence and wouldn't pollute its habitat ...
Existence of each living being is the essence of enjoy in this amazing world , world where you discover in every instant that live is the most magic ... Tecnhology is important for life already , allows to travel with it's spirit around the all world , besides with this Human Beings have found the way to do most comfortable their existence in this mysterious world ...
Tecnhology is important , but Human Being don't know What is its true essence , when this use it destroies the life of a lot of beings , destroies its magic worlds ... then these being slowly die ...
This situation is so sad ... is necessary that all Human Beings be most aware with environment and its presence because ,this is fundamental to the existence of each being ...
" Take care of our amazing world "